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Re[1]: ファイル名 | |
[196096] Re[1]: ファイル名- ■ / 記事引用/メール受信=OFF■ □投稿者/ jdsk -(2024/01/26(10:10)) □U R L/ 解決できました ありがとうございます |
[196091] ファイル名- ■親トピック/記事引用/メール受信=OFF■ □投稿者/ jdsk -(2024/01/23(23:30)) □U R L/ こんばんは JPEGのファイル名をそのまま記入する方法はありますか? 今は自動でナンバーです Sub () Dim s As String, ss As String Dim sn As Long Dim Pic As Shape Dim x As Long, y As Long, z As Long Const cRows As Long = 19 Const cCols As Long = 5 Const iyMax As Long = 3 Const sPath As String = "C:\写真\" Dim fNum() As Long Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long Dim rngArea As Range s = Dir(sPath & "*.jpg") Do Until s = "" If CLng(Val(s)) > 0 Then i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve fNum(1 To i) fNum(i) = CLng(Val(s)) End If s = Dir() Loop If i > 0 Then ShellSort fNum ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects.Delete ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Clear Set rngArea = Range("A1:U54") z = 0 For j = 1 To i Step 12 y = 0: x = 0 For k = j To WorksheetFunction.Min(j + 11, i) If fNum(k) < 10 Then ss = "0" Else ss = "" s = ss & fNum(k) & ".jpg" Set Pic = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(Filename:=sPath & s, LinkToFile:=False, SaveWithDocument:=True, _ Left:=0, Top:=0, Width:=-1, Height:=-1) With rngArea.offset(z * rngArea.Rows.Count).Cells( _ y * cRows + 2, x * cCols + 1).Resize(cRows - 4, cCols) Pic.Left = .Left Pic.Top = .Top If ((.Width - 3) / (.Height - 3)) > _ ((Pic.Width) / (Pic.Height)) Then Pic.Height = .Height - 3 Else Pic.Width = .Width - 3 End If .Cells(0, 1).Value = "'" & Split(s, ".")(0) .Cells(0, 1).Font.Name = "MS ゴシック" ' フォントをMSゴシックに .Cells(0, 1).Font.size = 20 ' フォントのサイズを 20 に End With y = y + 1 If iyMax <= y Then y = 0 x = x + 1 End If Next k z = z + 1 Next Set rngArea = Nothing Erase fNum Else MsgBox sPath & " に JPG ファイルはありません" End If End Sub Private Sub ShellSort(MyAry() As Long) Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim MyMid As Long Dim MyTmp As Long Dim MyMin As Long Dim MyMax As Long MyMin = LBound(MyAry) MyMax = UBound(MyAry) MyMid = 1 Do While MyMid < (MyMax - MyMin + 1) \ 3 MyMid = 3 * MyMid + 1 Loop Do Until MyMid <= 0 For i = MyMid + MyMin To MyMax MyTmp = MyAry(i) For j = i To MyMid + MyMin Step -MyMid If MyAry(j - MyMid) <= MyTmp Then Exit For End If MyAry(j) = MyAry(j - MyMid) Next j MyAry(j) = MyTmp Next i MyMid = MyMid \ 3 Loop End Sub この記事にはVBAのコードが含まれています。 緑の太文字→注釈 茶色の太文字→条件分岐 赤の太文字→ループ 青の太文字→その他 ++++++++++++++++++++ OS ⇒Windows XP Version⇒Excel 2007 ++++++++++++++++++++ |